Nutella Swirl Banana Bread

I made this over the weekend and judging by the numerous mails I got asking for the recipe, I am not the only Nutella fiend out there! It’s pretty easy and the ingredients are straightforward stuff that most of you … Continue reading

The SIMPLEST 1 Mug Fruit Bread


Pretty much all of the recipes I post are nice and easy (well, except that messy Mars Bar Cheesecake that I kinda messed up!) but this is most definitely the easiest thing I’ve ever come across. Not even a weighing scales required, just 5 ingredients and a mug and you are sorted. You can use any sized mug but you must use the same mug all the way through to keep the proportions correct.

I got a lovely bag of mixed fruit from Aldi which I used. I know some peeps aren’t too keen on cherries in this type of bread so you can just take them out if you want. So on we go with the most idiotproof recipe for Fruit Bread!

Ingredients List
2 Mugs Self Raising Flour
1 Mug Mixed Fruit
1 Mug Brown Sugar
1 Mug Full Fat Milk
1 Teaspoon Mixed Spice (I’d use almost 2 but it’s a personal preference how much you like mixed spice)

1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees or about 150 for a fan oven. Line a 2lb loaf tin with baking paper.

2. Sieve the flour into your mixing bowl and add the sugar, mixed spice and milk. With a spoon, mix all the ingredients together. Transfer all the ingredients into the lined tin and bake in the oven for about 1 hour.


3. Take from the oven and allow to cool. This will cut a lot easier the following day and is fab with a nice load of butter on it – now that’s got to be the easiest thing EVER to make! 🙂

Banana Bread with Walnuts & Chocolate Chunks

Hands up who loves Avoca!!! That’ll be….. emmmmmm…. almost everyone then 🙂 There’s the odd few who can’t bear the whole “ladies who lunch” and “yummy Mummy” vibe they’ve got going on but personally, I couldn’t care less – their … Continue reading